Tenders - Magadi Sacco Society Ltd

About Us:

Magadi Sacco Society Ltd is a Deposit Taking Sacco (DTS) registered and regulated by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA).

The Sacco began its operations in 1977 following its registration under the Co-operative Societies Act (Registration No 2664) with the objective of providing a mechanism for the then Magadi Soda employees to save and borrow at low cost in order to meet their Socio-economic needs.

The Sacco’s membership has grown from the initial 50 members in 1977 to over 7,000 members in 2019. In the same period, members’ deposits have grown from less than Kshs. 50,000 to over Kshs 530 Million while the asset base of the Sacco has grown to over Kshs 660 Million. The membership of the SACCO is open to all. 

In order to achieve the planned growth, the Sacco is looking for qualified and competent supplies for the tenders below:


  1. Magadi Sacco is seeking to pre-qualify suppliers for the year 2021 – 2023. To apply please visit the link below: